+91-912 999 3332
A- Block Indira Nagar Lucknow Pin 226016
Monday - Friday / 8AM - 11PM
SMJ Micro finance is established in the Month of December year 2016 with an objective to support the economical conditions of women’s and the weaker section of the society through its small ticket size funding, as a legal entity SMJ Micro Finance is registered in companies Act 2013 with ROC Kanpur (UP) its CIN Number is U65999UP2016NPL088538 and ROC Funding License number is 108214, Along with its MP State Labour Registration number BHOP250120SE013457 during the period SMJ Micro finance is actively worked for its defined cause by doing its financial activities in and around the city of Lucknow (UP) In a recent development SMJ Micro finance is now taken over by a new team of directors who are based at Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) now the SMJ Micro finance will start its Business operations in the city of Bhopal and the nearby areas up to the geographical radius of fifty Kilo Meters with the similar objective of supporting the economical conditions of women’s and the Lower and weaker section of the society in
addition to this the company has designed many products which matches the financial requirements of the lower middle section of the society in The future vision of the company is to further encourage the Micro Finance activities through its group loans(SHG) and individual funding activities company’s future vision is to enter into more micro funding segments with some new financial Products in order to match the funding requirements for the women’s and the weaker section of the society for their welfare and economical growth. With an Objective to make our loaning process Secure SMJ Micro Finance had tied up in hand with the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) to make our product offering complete and secure from the customer ends and this arrangement with LIC is in the interest of the customers too, as in the event of any miss happening the applicant dependents don’t have to worry about the repayment of the given Loans and the Nominee of will also be get benefitted out of this arrangement with LIC. Along with LIC for Insurance Coverage SMJ Micro finance has also been in arrangement with some of the leading schedule Commercial Banks for better services and offerings, Banks Like IDFC and other reputed Banks are the Banking Partners and with the help and support of these Banking arrangements the entire loaning process will be very supportive with minimum hassle and the overall loaning process including the repayment of the given loans will be more convenient and with no hassle. Audit and Compliance part of the SMJ Micro Finance is satisfactory, All the previous year Balance Sheet are properly filed with zero debt on the company and there being no penalties imposed by the ROC or the RBI , the company is fully compliant in all the parameters , however company has yet declare profit , however there seems a very positive and strong possibility that company declare profit and Interest income along with the earned revenue and the loan Book.